I know you keep hearing the words: “Eat Proteins if you want to build muscles”, but have you ever wondered: What is Protein? How does it build muscles, what are its natural sources?
Understanding of what you consume is really critical as you would become what you eat. Here in this post, I aim to increase your understanding about what are proteins and its sources down below.
What is Protein?
You might already be aware that Proteins, Carbohydrates, and Fats are called macronutrients. Protein is one of the macronutrients and it’s especially important for building muscles and tissues in our body.
This is why you must increase your consumption of protein if you want to gain, strengthen muscles, improve nervous system functioning, improve cellular functioning, and enhancing vital organs functioning, etc.
In terms of chemistry, protein is basically a large molecule. This molecule is actually made up of around 20 different types of building blocks called Amino acids. I know this all sounds technical but basically amino acid makes proteins, and proteins make muscle mass in our body!
Amino Acids Classification
These can be broadly classified into major two categories:
• Essential Amino Acids
• Non-Essential Amino Acids

What is Protein – Amino Acids Profile
Essential Amino Acids:
Among these amino acids, 9 cannot be made by our body and must be consumed through the food we eat. These 9 amino acids are therefore called Essential amino acids. Therefore our diet should constitute good sources of protein so we are able to enjoy a healthy life.
• Histidine
• Isoleucine
• Leucine
• Lysine
• Methionine
• Phenylalanine
• Threonine
• Tryptophan
• Valine
Non-Essential Amino Acids:
Amino acids that are produced by our body and needn’t be taken from external resources are termed as Non-essential amino acids. These are 11 in the count and must be consumed for a better and healthy life.
• Alanine
• Arginine
• Asparagine
• Aspartic acid
• Cysteine
• Glutamic acid
• Glutamine
• Glycine
• Proline
• Serine
• Tyrosine
Proteins play a lot of roles in our body. It builds and repairs our muscles and tissues. It also helps us ward of illnesses, fight against infections, and is often used as a source of energy in our body.
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What are Good Sources of Protein?
Adequate consumption of protein is crucial to your health. I know a vegetarian diet is often thought of lacking in proteins but there exist plenty of foods which are good sources of protein.
It is recommended that women should have at least 46 grams, and men should have at least 56 grams of protein in a day. Let’s have a look at some of the foods that are rich in proteins.
For Vegetarians
I used to enjoy having dairy products without being aware of its health benefits. But ever since I found out that it contains tons of benefits, I enjoy it even more. You’ll be surprised to know that dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese, etc. are a good source of protein. 8 ounce or 1 cup of Greek yogurt provides 17 grams of proteins.
Nuts, Beans, and Legumes
One of the most readily available sources of protein are nuts such as Almonds and Peanuts, Beans and Legumes such as Chickpeas, Kidney beans, and lentils, etc.
Apart from being nutritious overall, Tofu is also a good source of protein. Just half a block of Tofu can give you around 18 grams of protein.

For Non-Vegetarians
Chicken, especially chicken breast, is a good source of protein while being low in fats. It’s nutritious as well as yummy and you can cook it in lots of different ways. 1 chicken breast in the form of roast contains around 53 grams of proteins.
Eggs are delicious as well as cheap! Eggs are a nutrition powerhouse and you should consume at least one egg every day, regardless of the weather. 1 large egg has 6 grams of protein. Starting your day with boiled eggs is a great way to consume proteins.
The great thing about seafood is that it’s high in proteins while being low on fat, making it a perfect food if you’re trying to lose weight while maintaining your muscle mass.
Proteins are like building blocks in our body. They are necessary for a number of functions and especially important if you’re trying to gain muscle mass and lose body fat.
Proteins are found in a variety of foods and you should make them a part of your diet to stay healthy and fit.
So, whether you’re a vegetarian or a non-vegetarian, pick your preferred protein source and bring a pleasing change to your body as I hope what is protein must be clear to you!
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