Every one of us at some point of our life has been recommended by nutritionist or dietician to consume only a specific kind of food. Unfortunately, people tend to use the two words interchangeably. Be known that Dieticians or Nutritionist are food and nutrition experts but the difference lies in the legal restrictions for the titles of each.
Every Registered Dietician (RD) is a Nutritionist, but not every Nutritionist is a Dietician.
Who is a Dietician?
As I’ve said a dietician is an expert in dietetics; that is, human nutrition and the regulation of diet. They amend their patient’s food based on their medical condition. Coursework entails practicing in both hospital and community setting.
The working area varies with individual preference; some prefer private practice in hospitals while others prefer research center. To be given a license to operate as dietician a minimum of a degree from the credited university in dietetics and nutrition is required.
Who is a Nutritionist?
The title “nutritionist” is a broader term and not as regulated as the “dietician” in general meaning. This is more of a generic title and is normally not protected, that means it can be used by anyone, unlike “doctor”. As nutritionists do not have any professional training they should not be involved directly in the diagnosis and treatment of any illness.
They teach their clients the general nutrition and health properties in different types of food. Also, they do offer nutritional supervision. They educate clients about general nutrition, food properties, and diet plans etc. in order to achieve the desired fitness results.
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What is Nutrition?
Nutrition is the science that explains the interaction of nutrients and other substances in food. It includes food intake, absorption, and assimilation among others. In other words, Nutrition or nourishment is the supply of food – materials – required by organisms and cells to stay alive and perform all their functions.
In science, it is the science or exercise of consuming and utilizing foods.
Nutritional science explains how the body breaks food down (known as catabolism) and how it creates and repairs cells and tissue (known as anabolism). Catabolism and anabolism sometimes collectively referred to as metabolism. Nutritional science also analyzes how the body responds to food.
Major nutrient groups
The nutrients are used for our body repair, growth, and maintenance. They can be grouped into major 7 categories: protein, vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals, fats, fiber, and water. Based on the amount of nutrient required and energy produced by one we can classify nutrient into two broad groups:
- Macronutrients
- Micronutrients

These are nutrients needed by our body in relatively large quantities; they include carbohydrate, protein, fat, fiber and water. Under this category, we divide it further into energy macronutrients and non-energy macronutrient i.e. that do not provide energy.
Energy macronutrients
The primary role of energy macronutrients is to provide energy, which is measured either in calories, kilocalories (cal or kcal) or Joules. 1 calorie = 4.185 joules. These nutrients provide energy into our body. It includes
Carbohydrates primary function is to provide energy into our body.
Carbohydrates provides 4 calories per gram
Protein is responsible for building new tissues, antibodies, hormones, and other compounds.
Proteins also provides 4 calories per gram
Fats provide long-term power, insulation, and protection.
Fat provides 9 calories per gram
Non-Energy Macronutrients
Under this category, we have
The primary function of water is to dissolve and carry nutrients, removes waste, and regulates body temperature.
Water provides 0 calories per gram
Fiber helps in digestive health and regular bowel movements among other purposes.
Fiber provides 0-4 (Estimated) calories per gram
These are nutrients required in small quantity, such as
These are chemical elements required by our body, other than oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen. Minerals help our body to build teeth and bones; they also aid in muscle function and nervous system activity. It includes
These are organic compounds required in small amounts. An organic compound is defined as any molecule that contains carbon. We call it a vitamin when our bodies cannot synthesize (produce) enough or any of it; in that case, food is the only resource through which we can receive that.
Vitamins facilitate the use of other nutrients. They also help in regulating growth and manufacturing hormones.
There are 2 different types of vitamins:
Fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E and K
Water-soluble vitamins like B (8 types) and C
Having seen all the benefits of different nutrients be it Macro or Micro, one should consume the right blend in the correct ratio to reap the best results to live a healthy and fit life. So, just set your fitness goals and achieve them with a bang with the help of the correct nutrition.
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